Experimental audio-visualizations, made in TouchDesigner.
In this project I create a simple open network using LFO and noise CHOPs which going to connect our level string to a Composite TOP and going to pass the Feedback TOP into a Level TOP. The second part of the system represents the motion graphics and for that I create the Switch TOP and input some animations passing to operator (actually I used my personal patterns here) then I continue with call this to Transform and Displacement which going to Composite TOP. This will give the effect of translating a rectangle at the same rate that I moving through frames (by default TouchDesigner is set at 60 FPS). 
I want make this more interesting so I create a Button Panel and change the type to Momentary. Then I connect this to Count CHOP and big up for that the Null do, I can pass the panel reflection to the Switch Index. So every time when I click on the button the animation will change.

Snaps from processing 
Thanks for watching! 

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